Monday, April 12, 2004

Lord, look down on me in my infirmities and help me to bear them patiently.  St. Francis of Assisi (1182-1226)

Lord, let my speech always be gracious, seasoned with good sense, that I may know how to answer everyone.  Colossians 4:6

Lord may my life be evidence of what I believe.  Joni Tada - 28 Apr

Lord, may I never lose my sense of how precious life is.  Rick Hamlin, Daily Guideposts, 24 Feb 2003

Lord, make Your will my will in all things.  Charles Vaughn (1816-1897)

Lord, make me according to they heart.  Brother Lawrence

Lord Jesus, keep me ever ready to pass encouragement on to others.  Penney Schwab, Daily Guideposts, 28 May 1996


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