Saturday, May 29, 2004

O Lord, help me to allow you your rightful place in my life.  Upper Room, 12 May 1986

Thank you, God, for quieter times and the awareness of new opportunies.  Kenneth Chafin, Daily Guideposts, 22 Oct 1996

Lord, even as I continue to turn to You in prayer, help me be patient in waiting for your answers.  Upper Room, 18 Oct 1986

God, I bring my hurts and my problems to Thee.  Arthur Gordon, Daily Guideposts, 11 Sep 1995

God make me grateful for all the good things I have been taking for granted.  One Day At a Time, 9 September

May I free myself of impatience or procrastination today.  Help me to use this day to its fullest.  This New Day, 1 Sep



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