Thursday, November 4, 2004

I delight in knowing, Lord Jesus, that there is nothing in my life that is incapable of being changed through Your redemptive power.  (Billy Graham, Day by Day, 4 November)

Lord, I'm really concerned about this problem, but I'm going to give it to You.  I will rest in the confidence that You are working even though I don't know the outcome.  I give my problem to You, and I anticipate Your peace in my life.  (H. Norman Wright, Quiet Times for Couples, 4 November)

I pray that I may be ready to accept Your spiritual gifts.  (Food For Thought, 31 October)

Enlighten me, O Holy Spirit, so that I may recognize and overcome my own shortcomings.  (Three Minutes a Day, Vol . 9, 31 October)


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