Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcoming The New Year

Higher Power

Realizing that nothing can hurt me while I lean upon my Higher Power, I ask to be guided through the minutes and hours of each day. Let me remind myself to bring every problem to Him for I know He will show me the way I must go. (One Day At A Time In Al-Anon, 1 January)

Mission Statement

One of the most powerful and influential leaders of all time articulated his Mission Statement in a single sentence two thousand years ago:
I came that they might have life, and have it more abundantly.
(Laurie Beth Jones, The Path, p. xi)

Beginning The Journey

As you begin your journey into the next year, take time each day to remember your Creator, to read His Word, to consider all that He has done for you. (David Jeremiah, introduction to Journey)

Mr. Dickie
1 January 2013

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