Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Right or Wrong
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Your Work
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Enough Is Enough
I pray that I may try to draw near to God each day in prayer. I pray that I may feel His nearness and His strength in my life. (Alan L. Roeck, Look To This Day, 23 Sep)
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Photo: Mr. Dickie (One of Melva's Boston Ferns growing outside during the summer of 2008)
Thank You, God, for pouring out blessing upon blessing! (Colleen Zuck, Daily Word, Day 229)
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Today help me remember all my choices and [inspire me to] take advantage of all that life has to offer. (Body, Mind, and Spirit, 29 Sept)
Today, 22 Oct 2008, is the first posting to my Arrow Prayers blog since I moved it from AOL to Google. Including photographs will be easier now because I can use Picasa to quickly post a photo while writing the blog entries. I hope anyone who read this blog while it was on AOL will continue to enjoy it at its new location. Thanks to the folks at Google for making the space for this journal available.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Mr. Dickie's New Google Blogs
I announced earlier that AOL will discontinue Journal support on October 31, 2008. Google agreed to move AOL journals to their service. They created an easy procedure to facilitate the transfer.
I'm pleased to announce that I have successfully moved my three AOL journals to Google. As of October 21st I will no longer post new information to any of the AOL journals. Certain housekeeping tasks remain to be accomplished before the three new Google blogs will be configured to my satisfaction. Please be patient as I go through that process.
I'm thankful that Google was willing to support AOL users by providing support for our journals.
My four Google blogs are as follows:
Personal Blog:
Arrow Prayers: (976 entries)
Henthorn Genealogy News: (130 entries)
Henthorn Obituaries: (50 entries)
Mr. Dickie
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The End
Lord, thank you for the blessing of a wonderful visit with family and friends in Nebraska and Kansas.
AOL recently announced that they will discontinue support of private websites, AOL Hometown, and journals as of 31 Oct 2008. This is probably another sign of the ultimate demise of AOL as an Internet powerhouse.
This announcement will impact me personally. For many years I have maintained the Henthorn Genealogy Website in free space provided by AOL. I've also been posting to my Arrow Prayers journal and several others. I estimate that there have been over 27,000 visits to the genealogy homepage since I added a visit counter.
I'll probably create an Arrow Prayers blog on Google. I don't plan to move any of the prayers from the AOL journal archive to the new blog.
I don't know what I will do about the genealogy information. I suggest that if there is anything you want you either print out the information or make a copy of the file on your own computer prior to October 31st.
I currently have a personal blog on Google. If you are interested in keeping track of what I am doing please read the blog postings from time to time. After October 31st this will be the best place to find out what I decided to do.
Mr. Dickie's Blog:
Thanks to everyone who shared information and encouragement during the years that AOL provided this service. I hope you found something of interest from time to time.
Dick Henthorn