Photo: Mr. Dickie (West Virginia roadside chapel)
God, thank You for the many blessings bestowed upon our family. (Three Minutes a Day, Vol. 38, 7 Dec)
Photo: Mr. Dickie (West Virginia roadside chapel)
God, thank You for the many blessings bestowed upon our family. (Three Minutes a Day, Vol. 38, 7 Dec)
Photo: Mr. Dickie (Grotto of Lourdes, Emmitsburg, MD)
I pray that I may walk humbly with God, I pray that I may rely on His grace to carry me through. (Alan L. Roeck, Look to This Day, 19 July)
Photo: Mr. Dickie (Grotto of Lourdes, Emmitsburg, MD)
I pray that I may not allow anyone to spoil my peace of mind. I pray that I may keep an inner calm throughout the day. (Alan L. Roeck, Look To This Day, 23 July)
Photo: Mr. Dickie (The Sacred Heart, Grotto of Lourdes, Emmitsburg, MD)
Christ has no body now on earth but yours,
No hands but yours,
No feet but yours,
Yours are the eyes through which he is to look out
Christ's compassion to the world
Yours are the feet with which he is to go about doing good;
Yours are the hands with which he is to bless men now.
Teresa of Avila
Photo: Mr. Dickie (Belltower at Grotto of Lourdes, Emmittsburg, MD)
Lord, accept our prayers and petitions as the first fruits of our day.
Photo: Corel
I pray to be led into a new way of thinking about the difficulties I have to face. (One Day at a Time in Al-Anon, 8 Feb)
Photo: Corel
Deliver me from narrow-mindedness, from bitterness, from prejudice. (Liturgy of Reformed Church of France)
Picture: Corel
Lord, I ask that You might help me work through all my problems; to Your glory and honor. (Alcoholics Annoymous)
I pray for the wisdom to take a rational and tolerant attitude toward whatever troubles I must face today. (One Day at a Time in Al-Anon, 15 Jan)
I'm going to take about an eight-day break from blog posting.
Photo: Corel
Help me show each person that I am grateful for his or her help. (Body, Mind and Spirit, 11 July)
Inspire me today to do my work willingly and eagerly, Lord. (Joni Tada, More Precious Than Silver, 30 Dec)
Photo: Mr. Dickie
Thank You, God, for leading me through the adventures of my life. (Colleen Zuck, Daily Word For Healing, p. 78)
Photo: Internet
Thank you, Lord, for the beauty of creation, the fragrance of flowers, the singing of birds, the warmth of the sun, and the savor of food. (Larry W. Wilson, Daily Fellowship with God, 26 Nov)
Photo: Internet
Lord, we ask your blessing on the men and women in our armed forces. Give our leaders wisdom and the strength to find a way to end the conflicts in which we are engaged in order to bring these folks home to their families. Protect our borders, our homes, and the jobs of our people. Watch over the children as they struggle to grow into functional adults during these difficult times. We ask in Jesus name. Amen. (Mr. Dickie)
Photo: Corel
I pray for the steadfastness to read, every day, something that will help me to gain understanding. (One Day at a Time in Al-Anon, 23 Jan)
I pray that I may be confident that good things will happen as long as I am on the right path. (Alan L. Roeck, Look To This Day, 28 Jun)